Yorkshire terrier
Yorkshire terrier is a stubborn and independent dog. This makes it unsuitable for standard training, but you must teach him basic commands so that he does not get over the owner. York is confident, feisty and brave beyond measure.
Yorkshire terrier is a dog of great temperament, cheerful and full of verve. Although he looks like a mascot, he is not. He is a flesh and blood terrier – strong and independent, who will quickly get on his head if he allows it.
He is very sensitive and attached to his guardian, whom he is sometimes jealous of. He feels best when he can always accompany him, although he can also spend several hours alone at home. Properly raised, it’s easy and adapts easily to different conditions and situations.
He is a good friend for older children. In the case of toddlers who are several years old, be careful that they do not accidentally hurt him – they should not take a puppy on their hands, and play must take place only on the ground, under the control of adults. Like most miniature quadrupeds, york does not like rough treatment and may react badly to it.

Yorkshire terrier is confident, feisty and brave beyond measure. These features, combined with too much confidence, sometimes cause them to get in trouble. His relations with his compatriots usually go well (although there are exceptions), but he definitely prefers the company of his own race or larger quadrupeds.
The representative of this breed is perceptive and very vigilant, which is why it is excessively noisy. Efficient and energetic he likes movement in the fresh air, but he doesn’t need long walks.
Yorkshire terriers once had the reputation of being more huntable than cats, which is why millers and grain traders eagerly kept them to fight pests. These four-legged dogs have now valued companion dogs.
Sometimes they do dog sports, e.g. agility or dancing with a dog. Some representatives of the breed prove themselves as visiting dogs in hospitals or nursing homes.
Yorkshire terrier. Training and education
Yorkies are intelligent and perceptive. The blood of hunting ancestors flows in their veins, which is why – like all terriers – they can be stubborn and independent. They often make their own decisions and are very consistent. They are not suitable for standard training and require an individual approach, but it is worth teaching them basic commands.

They like to play and show off, which can be used during learning – a properly motivated dog of this breed acquires new commands quickly and willingly.
Puppies due to their small height, low weight and enormous temperament are better to receive from the breeder only at the age of 12-14 weeks after the end of the vaccination cycle, because they are already grown up and less exposed to injury or disease.
Toddlers should not be isolated or picked up at the sight of every approaching dog. In adults in York, this can lead to nervous behavior resulting from fear of the unknown. A frequent mistake of the owners is also excessive petting and allowing them everything.
Who is this race for?
York is suitable for almost everyone – almost because it may not work in families with young children. It is easy to adapt and the small size means that you can take it anywhere with you. He feels good both at home with the garden and in a small apartment.
It should be remembered, however, that a long coat hides a terrier that requires consistency in upbringing. You also need to prepare for considerable expenses related to the care of your pet.
Yorkshire terrier. Advantages and disadvantages
- requires regular and labor-intensive care
- I do not feel respect for larger dogs
- poorly brought up can become nervous and fearful
- attached to the family
- friendly, easily makes contact with people and other dogs
- a good friend for children
- intelligent, you can teach him many tricks
- suitable for a small apartment
- can play some dog sports
Yorkshire terrier. Health
Yorkies are long-lived dogs, sixteen-year-old representatives of this breed are not uncommon. They are alive and everywhere, so it’s easy to step on or hit them. They can climb high and jump down from there. They often suffer various injuries, which is why you have to be careful of them.
Their specific robe absorbs moisture quite easily, so they often catch a cold. To prevent this, they should be toughened from the puppy. After bathing or soaking your coat during a walk, you need to dry it thoroughly with a dryer. In autumn and spring, it is worth wearing a raincoat and insulated overalls in winter.
Representatives of this breed have a tendency to fall out kneecaps. Occasionally, narrowing and the collapse of the trachea or heart problems (patent ductus arteriosus) occur. Sometimes aseptic necrosis of the femoral head may occur.
Yorkies are predisposed to tartar, which must be removed systematically. Sometimes, persistent milk teeth (mainly canines) can be a problem, as they do not fall out by themselves and should be removed by a veterinarian. Too small individuals may have undeveloped fontanelle. There are also allergies and allergies most often caused by improper nutrition and care. Older individuals may suffer from cataract.
Yorkshire terriers as miniature dogs with high temperament need more energetic foods. You can prepare food yourself, adding appropriate calcium and vitamin and mineral preparations, or use ready-made food of good quality (e.g. intended for this breed).

Adult dogs, which are inedible, can be fed puppy food, then eating even a small amount will meet their needs. Older Yorkies with a tendency to be overweight should get less calorie food.
The daily dose can be divided into several smaller meals. If we want to use supplements that improve the condition of the coat, first consult an experienced breeder or veterinarian.
York coat should be silky, without undercoat. The correct structure resembles human hair, grows throughout its life and does not fall out, which means that the dog of this breed does not molt. However, it requires systematic care, which you should get used to from the puppy.
Treatments must be carried out gently so that they do not stress him and do not cause him pain, otherwise adult York may rebel against them. Care of a representative of this breed requires skill and experience, so it’s better to use the help of an experienced groomer. Do not use cosmetics for people, because they can cause allergic reactions.
Every day you should comb the hair on the head and torso of the York with a metal comb (thin and thick) and a brush with metal wires secured at the ends. Before, we spray the coat with a small amount of conditioner or oil to protect it from breaking. We put a ponytail on our head, remove secretions from the eye area (special liquids are used for this) and keep intimate areas clean – especially in pets with long hair.
Once a week, we bathe York in shampoos for long-haired dogs with the addition of mink or almond oil. Shampoos with conditioner are also used. After bathing, balms regenerating the hair and preventing them from breaking and tangling are used. Dry the dog with a dryer set at medium temperature, modeling the hair with a brush so that it adheres to the body.
With scissors, we shorten the hair in the intimate areas, at the edges of the ears and between the pads. With a clipper, you can remove fur from a third of your ears and from the lower abdomen. If you are not planning an exhibition career, we can trim your pet regularly, which will help you keep it clean.
York show must have long hair all over the body, so every day you need to protect it with curlers, which not only protect the coat from damage, but also makes it easier for the dog to move. We put them on previously washed and oiled hair. Every two days they should be developed and put on again after combing the coat.

Before the dog show, we bathe first in a degreasing shampoo, and then in a nourishing shampoo, which will also burden the hair. Then we apply a conditioner with a similar effect, and then an antistatic liquid. During drying, we straighten and pull out the hair with a brush so that it adheres to the body and does not spin. On the head we put a ponytail, which we decorate with a bow, we cut the hair on the ears, between the pads and in the intimate areas, and we also shorten the coat – the hair on the trunk should not be longer than the legs by more than 1-1.5 cm (this length allows the dog to move freely ).
We present York on the ring. The judge assesses the dogs in the ring in the statics (exhibitors put them on the ground and kneel behind them) and in motion, and then each of them individually on the table and in motion. The dog needs to be taught to behave properly, show teeth, and get used to being touched by strangers.
Yorkshire terrier. Accessories
At the beginning of the York we take out on a normal leash and in a not very wide collar or in suspenders. We use the automatic leash only when our pet learns to walk calmly. Adult dogs with long hair are better not to wear a harness, because their coat can get tangled and damaged.York will be happy to play with stuffed animals, small balls, latex toys or cotton strings. In many situations, transport cages are very useful, so it’s worth getting the ward to stay in them.
Yorkshire terrier. History
These little terriers were bred over 100 years ago in Yorkshire and took their name (Yorkshire terrier) from it. Their appearance was associated with the economic situation of that time. In the nineteenth century, during the Industrial Revolution, poor weavers and charcoal workers came to Scotland in northern England (Yorkshire and Lancashire counties). They brought with them small quadrupeds (they could not afford to keep large), to watch, exterminate rodents and trot with them, although it was strictly prohibited.
Small terriers perfectly spotted animals, caught her and were brave enough to follow her into the hole. The small size of the dog allowed him to quickly hide in his coat pocket and return home without arousing suspicion.

Apparently, the ancestors of York were Clydesdale and Paisley Terriers (considered by some to be one race), Scottish Terriers, Waterside Terriers, Glasgow Terriers, Old Sky Terriers and Manchester Terriers . Initially, dogs of this breed did not have such an impressive, beautiful coat – they only gained it due to crossing with a Maltese. They aroused the interest of the upper classes and became the decoration of the salons.
Contemporary history of the breed began with a dog born in 1865 named Huddersfield Ben, whose owner was Mary Ann Foster. Ben was the first registered Yorkshire Terrier. He was successful not only at exhibitions, but also in rat choking competitions. He lived like a York for a short time, only six years, but he had numerous offspring. He died under the wheels of a carriage, and his body was mummified and presented in a glass case.
Ben was a large-sized quadruped, with time breeders managed to extract a dog weighing about 3 kg after selection. In the 1890s a club was founded in England and the first model was developed. Due to their small size and tendency to catch rodents, yorkies were eagerly taken by seafarers to ships, thanks to which they reached other countries, where they quickly gained popularity (especially in the United States).

At the end of the 20th century, there was a tendency to excessive miniaturization of dogs of this breed, which adversely affected their health (currently breeders are moving away from this).
Yorkshire terrier – group III FCI, section 2, reference number 86
- Country of origin: Great Britain
- Size: height approx. 25 cm, weight up to 3.1 kg
- Coat: long, straight, thin, silky, without undercoat (must not be woolly); on the torso, long hair reaching the ground, separated by a parting from the nose to the end of the tail, evenly covering the whole body and flowing down on both sides; the longest hair is on the head and forms a beard and mustache
- Ointment: dark pale blue (cannot be blue-gray or silver), the coat covers the body from the occipital tumor to the base of the tail, it cannot be sieved with fawn or brown; the hair on the head (at the base of the ears, on the sides, on the chin and mustache), chest, forelegs, inside of the hind legs, ankles and bottom of the tail has an intense color in three shades of gold from light to very dark
- Maturity: 1.5 years
- Lifespan: 15-16 years
- Weather resistance: medium
Interesting facts
After the birth of Yorkshire Terriers, they resemble miniature rottweilers – they are short-haired, black and tan, with a distribution of meanings like a Rotka or Doberman. Then, however, they become brighter and the red meanings increase.
Usually, the color change begins on the head at 7-8 weeks of age. As you sweep the fur, you will notice that the base turns silvery-gray. At the age of 8-10 weeks, similar changes – in steel color – occur on the back. It is desirable for the hair to become discolored with thin threads. Often, however, this applies to entire hair belts.
Over time, the head becomes silver-red, gradually gold displaces silver. Withdrawals may end within one year, but usually between the ages of 1.5 and two years. This applies to dogs with the most desirable coat: simple, heavy and silky. Other hair types are poorly colored. Sometimes black stains on the head or almost black coat remain forever.
If the dog does not begin to stain intensively and exemplarily up to a year, it will probably never stain.