Dog Breeds

Pyrenean mastiff

The Pyrenean Mastiff is a very large, massive dog with good guarding ability, covered with dense, thick, medium-long hair. Relatively friendly to humans and other animals, although males can be dominant. Medium-tempered dog.


The Pyrenean Mastiff impresses with its very appearance. This impressive guardian perfectly guards his master’s belongings. At the same time, he has a sense of strength and is never unnecessarily aggressive. Guests are welcomed friendly, fanning fluffy kitty.

Pyrenean mastiff


The Pyrenean Mastiff is a powerful and brave dog. He has a sense of his own strength, which is why he treats smaller dogs with indulgence. He is patient and calm. However, if he is seriously provoked, he can fight fiercely, as his ancestors once fought with wolves.

Training and education

He is a smart and intelligent dog that learns easily and quickly remembers. Guarding and defense are in the blood, so it does not require training in this area. However, due to the fact that the Pyrenean Mastiff is a powerful dog with character, it is worth subjecting him to at least basic training in obedience.

Pyrenean mastiff

Who is this race for?

The Pyrenean Mastiff is perfect for homeowners with a garden. It works great as a guardian, but you can’t forget that he needs a lot of contact with his family. Is a grateful companion. It feels best outside, but is not suitable for housing.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • is a strong dog that requires consistent guidance
  • it should be brushed regularly


  • good family companion
  • caring for the weaker – children and pets
  • excellent watchman
  • does not show excessive aggression – easily accepts guests admitted by the owner


The breed is generally healthy. Common conditions include hip dysplasia and stomach torsion.

Pyrenean mastiff


The daily portion should be divided into at least two meals and ensure that the dog has a long rest before eating – and especially after eating.

Pyrenean mastiff

Pyrenean mastiff. Care

The breed requires regular combing so that the coat does not become matted. In addition, however, it is not overly demanding in this respect.

Pyrenean mastiff. History

This breed was formed in the Spanish Aragon, which was once an independent kingdom. Here, on the border between Spain and France, there are Pyrenees and the name of the dog is derived from them.

The Pyrenean Mastiff is one of the numerous mountain type of dogs that can be found in different bands of Europe and Asia. For centuries, the task of these dogs was to guard herds against predators and robbers. They often fought wolves and bears, so they had to be big and fearless. The Pyrenean Mastiff is one of the larger breeds of this type. It looks very much like a large Pyrenean dog, which is a French breed.

Pyrenean mastiff

As you can guess, the dogs that we now know under the name of Pyrenean Mastiffs and large Pyrenean dogs were initially one breed, or rather a type of dog, because about breeding in pure breed – in today’s understanding of the word – no one has ever heard.

As in the case of extremely similar Tatra – the Tatra Sheepdog and the Slovak chuvah, France and Spain claimed their rights to the breed and both countries got their way, leading to the recognition of dogs bred by them as two separate breeds.

Before this happened, however, the specter of extermination hung over the Pyrenean Mastiff. When wolves and bears were almost completely exterminated in the Pyrenees and the economy fell into ruin after the 1936-39 civil war, the Pyrenees seemed to be extinct. For 30 years the breed was in a suspended state.

In the mid-1970s, a group of lovers decided to recreate it. They roamed the Pyrenees looking for the right type of dog. In 1977, the Spanish Pyrenean Mastiff Club was established. It was the first club in the history of the Spanish race. In 1981, the first club exhibition of the Pyrenean Mastiffs took place. Gradually, the breed began to gain more and more fans not only in Spain, but also around the world.

Pyrenean mastiff

The Pyrenean Mastiff is gaining a growing number of lovers around the world, it is especially popular in Scandinavia. There are already several kennels of this breed in Poland, which, however, are still not popular in our country.

Pyrenean mastiff. Template

Pyrenean Mastiff – Group II FCI, section 2.2, reference number 92

  • General impression: A very large, strong and muscular dog. Built harmoniously, despite its dimensions, it should not seem lumbering.
  • Temperament: Friendly to people, gentle, intelligent, brave, confident in his strength.
  • Head: Large, strong, moderately long. The ratio of the skull to the muzzle is 5: 4. Skull: Broad, slightly convex in profile. Stop softly marked. Muzzle with a straight profile.
  • Eyes: Small, almond-shaped, nut-colored. A watchful, noble, friendly and intelligent expression. Black eyelids. In waking state they should cling; at rest, the lower eyelid may be slightly drooping.
  • Ears: Medium size, triangular, hanging flat. Embedded above the eyes. When the dog is interested, the outer edges stick out from the cheeks.
  • Nose: Large, wide, black.
  • Body: Dog slightly longer than tall. Withers: Well defined, Strong back, horizontal.
  • Tail: Set on medium-high. Overclocked tip. At rest, the tail hangs down, worn saber in motion.
  • Forequarters: Straight and parallel, strong.
  • Hindquarters: Powerful and muscular, moderately angulated. Preferred double spurs (“wolf claws”), but single or no spurs are not a malfunction.
  • Coat: Thick, dense, moderately long.
  • Color: The basic color is white, always with a well-defined mask around the eyes. There may be patches. Acceptable patches colors: gray, golden yellow, brown, black, silver, beige, sand.
  • Height : dogs – minimum 77 cm; bitches – minimum 72 cm. Larger dogs are preferred.

Interesting facts

It is interesting to compare the Pyrenean Mastiff with a large Pyrenean dog. The large Pyrenean is nobler in expression than the Spanish cousin, his look is described as “dreamy”. He usually has a longer, more impressive hair, because much earlier he was bred in the purity of the breed, including as a show dog.

“Spaniard” is not as refined in appearance as his French cousin. More like his working ancestors. It has a more modest coat, usually larger and darker meanings. The expression of his mouth is also different – it should be a unique combination of confidence, pride and sweetness.

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