The pug is a cheerful and sociable dog. It doesn’t require a lot of experience from the owner or spending a lot of time walking. The pug pays special attention to the chosen person in the family and accompanies him at every step.
From his appearance, the pug aroused extreme feelings – some admired him, others considered it a freak of nature. Although he has a concerned expression on his face, he is a cheerful and full of life dog. Don’t let his squat figure fool us – he is a pet with considerable temperament.
The pug pays special attention to the chosen person in the family and accompanies him at every step. However, this does not prevent him from being cordial towards other household members. He does not like loneliness and lack of interest – he can show that he is not given enough attention. Gentle and patient, he will be a great friend even for children a few years old – but they must learn to handle him properly.

Pugs never behave aggressively towards people and other animals. They feel great in a larger group of dogs – preferably their own breed. They make no contact with any foreign quadrupeds on a walk without fear. Although the dog of this breed is not the type of athlete, he is also not lazy. He willingly goes out for walks, but can not be forced to the excessive effort. A reasonable dose of movement is very important – it helps you stay fit and prevents obesity. Many pugs like water and swim well.
The pug was bred to make time for the owner. Over time, this Chinese treasure has become a favorite of European rulers, aristocracy and rich middle class. He was not required to perform any specific function other than accompanying man. Today, he is primarily a valued family dog, although you can also work with him – we have several pugs in Poland who have passed the PT (companion dog) exams.
Training and education
This dog is intelligent. He learns willingly, provided that the exercises are not monotonous and that he has the right motivation, e.g. a favorite treat. It’s best to start learning basic instructions with your puppy. The success of training is largely determined by the bond between the dog and the owner – the larger it is, the easier it is to enforce the desired behavior. The pug is a sensitive dog – even a raised tone is a punishment for him.

A pug is a quadruped with a character that he sometimes tries to put on his own, so when raising him you need to be consistent, although not strict. Puppies learn quickly the cleanliness and rules of the family. They should be taken to new places and allow contact with other dogs.
Who is this race for?
The pug is suitable for everyone. You don’t need to have much experience or time for long walks. This dog does not take up much space and easily adapts to any conditions.
Advantages and disadvantages
- molt all year round
- is hardly heat resistant
- sometimes stubborn
- he’s snoring
- smart and cheerful
- gentle and sociable
- attached to the family
- a good friend for children
- tolerant to dogs and other animals
- easy to care for
- suitable for a small apartment
- doesn’t need much traffic
There are no major health problems in this breed if the owners properly care for the dogs. Sometimes there are heart disease and respiratory problems. Incisors of shallow incubators and a tendency to tartar build-up are also a problem. That is why pugs should be given special teethers or used to washing teeth with toothpaste and a brush. Rarely, there may be problems with falling out patella and hip dysplasia. You also need to pay attention to large eyes that are easily damaged or irritated.
The pug is moderately resistant to weather conditions. Due to the strongly shortened snout, it can bear bad heat – in summer it is better to limit walks in full sun and provide it with a shady place to rest and access to water. It is not harmed by low temperatures, although he does not like rain and moisture. In winter, older dogs can wear clothing.
The dog of this breed usually has an excellent appetite, but is fussy and will not be satisfied with poor quality food. He has a tendency to gain weight, which is why food should be adapted to his age and activity. A medium-protein diet will be best because excess protein can cause allergies and skin changes that manifest as local hair loss.
You can use ready-made products for small breeds or prepare meals yourself with the addition of appropriate calcium and vitamin preparations.
Strongly built males during the growth period are recommended to administer preparations containing glucosamine and chondroitin. During the period of intense molting, it is worth supplementing the diet with specifics accelerating the regeneration of the coat.
Pugs lose their hair properly throughout the year – especially intensively in the spring. Dogs with a very short coat molt less often, and those with a little longer – more often. Hair falling out, however, does not tend to stick to the ground and can be easily cleaned.

Dogs of this breed should be combed several times a week. For the care of fur after winter we use a dense metal comb or comb. Every day, all you need is a hard horsehair brush or a rubber glove. You can also wipe the person under the care with a cotton towel or a piece of chamois leather. We bathe him, if necessary, in shampoo for short-haired dogs of light or white color.
The nose fold must be wiped every other day with a special liquid so that inflammation does not develop in this place. Ears should also be checked regularly. The pug does not require labor-intensive preparation for the exhibition – it should be bathed and have protruding hair on the tail and on the trousers.
From the puppy, you have to teach him the exhibition position, get used to showing teeth and standstill on the table (on which small dogs are placed during the exhibition).
They should go for walks in a light collar and on a leash – preferably automatic. Dogs should not wear braces during growth, as this may lead to deformation of the shoulders. We serve food in ceramic bowls – plastic can cause contact allergy.
A quadruped of this breed is not a troublesome household member – it does not damage the equipment, and in the absence of the owner usually sleeps. So that the puppy does not accidentally hurt himself when we leave the house, it is worth placing it in a special pen.
An adult dog can be accustomed to traveling in metal transport cages (they are more airy than plastic). The pug likes to play with balls (but they must be large enough so that he does not swallow them!), Squeaking and plush toys and teethers.
The pug probably comes from the Far East. Most researchers consider China to be the homeland of this breed. Already in the chronicles of Confucius (551-479 BC), you can find descriptions of small dogs with short mouths. The images of such quadrupeds were also immortalized on ancient Chinese porcelain and statuettes. The ancient encyclopedia Erh Ya mentions small, short-nosed dogs taken for hunting. However, it is not possible to determine whether they took active part in them or were only the mascots of the owners.
Around 960, the emperor Tai Tsung of the Sung dynasty received a small, short-haired dog with a flat muzzle, which was called Lo-Chiang or Lo-Chi, as a gift. From the first century AD, quadrupeds called Pai (short-legged and short-legged) were bred. They were so small that they successfully fit under the low tables. They were considered extremely valuable – the chambers in which they lived, they were given the best food and slept on the most comfortable beds.
During this period, three types of small dogs were known – lion dog, Pekingese and Losze, from whom pugs are probably derived. In the “Imperial Book of Dogs” there are drawings depicting the latter quadrupeds, strikingly similar to today’s representatives of the breed. In the then breeding, the emphasis was on small growth, short coat, compact body, flat muzzle and so-called diadem on the forehead formed by three folds of skin.
Pugs probably came to Europe in the 16th or 17th century. Although the Italian painter Pisanello immortalized the pug-like dog for the first time in his painting from 1425, it is officially believed that the first dogs of this breed appeared on the Old Continent 100 years later, when contacts with China resumed Portugal, Spain and the Netherlands – recognized as their European homeland.
Pugs became very popular at the court of Prince William of Orange. His little dog, Pompey, went down in history, and by raising the alarm he saved his master’s life. In the Netherlands, the image of a pug became the coat of arms of the Orange party.
Also associated with the breed is the legend of the pug of the prince of Württemberg, missing in 1730 during the battle with the Turks near Belgrade, who himself found his way home. To commemorate his great attachment to the master, a monument was erected in the palace garden of Winnenden after his death, which can be seen today.
Pugs were bred by Tsarina Catherine the Great, William III, George III and Queen Victoria. Francisco Goya and William Hogarth immortalized them in their paintings. The breed was known by many names. In England – dutch mastiff (Dutch mastiff) or pug (from the word “pugnus”, or fist), in France – carlin (from the name of the harlequin), in the Netherlands – mopshond, in Venice – mascherino, or mask. The current name pug can be derived from the word “mopperen” (purr, buzz, snore).

The breed owes its contemporary image to the English. In Great Britain two types of pugs emerged – Morrison, which was characterized by an ointment in warm shades of beige, turning orange, and Willoughby – the color of his coat was darker, with black coating. In the mid-nineteenth century, both types were combined – the lighter color dominated the color. In 1873, the English Kennel Club was founded. Over 60 dogs of this breed were entered in the register at that time. In 1882, the British Pug Dog was created. In the United States, the first pug was registered in 1885.
Pug – group IX FCI, section 11, reference number 253
- Country of Origin: China; patronage: Great Britain
- Size: the pattern does not indicate height; ideal weight from 6.3 to 8.1 kg
- Coat: short, dense, smooth, soft, shiny; it cannot be hard or woolly
- Color: beige with black mask (from silver-toned peach) and black; a mask, ears, “moles” on the cheeks and a diadem on the forehead as black as possible
- Maturity: 2 years
- Lifespan: 12-16 years
- Weather resistance: medium
Interesting facts
In the 18th century, the pug became a symbol of the Masonic order, because he was regarded as a disposition of trust and loyalty. The admirer of pugs is Hugh Laurie, the serial Doctor House.

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